This Easter weekend actions will be taking place around the world to speak out for whales kept captive by SEA LIFE. A number of animal advocates will be staging peaceful demonstrations at SEA LIFE centres around the UK in order to shine a spotlight on the company’s continued cruel use of beluga whales in circus-style shows in its Shanghai Centre. If you cannot make an event in person, you can still make a valuable contribution to the campaign.
All you need to do is print one of the banners below (choose colour or black and white, dependent on your printer or preference), take a “selfie” with the banner then upload your picture to your favourite social media platform (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram – whatever you use most!) to spread the word!
By taking this very quick and simple action, you will be helping to raise awareness about SEA LIFE’s cruel use of captive cetaceans.
If you don’t have a printer, don’t worry. A piece of paper and a marker pen will do just as well. We don’t mind what your banner looks like, we just want as many people as possible to spread the word!
People all over the country have taken part. Can you spare a few moments to do the same?
Thank you!
To download, simply right click the picture you would like to use, select “Save Image As”, save to your computer then open the file and print!
we swim the seas
our belugaland.
we raise our families
we make our stand,
our icy world,
is paradise.
people leave us
that would
be nice.
we just want to
hunt and play,
to live our lives
the belugaway
we are not cute
we are living whales,
so when you are in
the arctic,
just say hello
then set sail
Caps’ activists: Are you free to help us raise awareness about the imprisoned belugas on Saturday June 6th?
A worldwide Empty the Tanks Day of Action launches on June 6th from London and the USA. We are are collaborating with Empty the Tanks and we hope you can support our Sea Life anti-captivity protests in London, Birmingham and Manchester. Please let us know if you can plan a protest at these or any of the other Sea Life centres in the country listed from their website:
We must keep pressure on Merlin/Sea Life in the UK while they remain in constant public denial of their hypocrisy about the 3 belugas imprisoned for profit in Shanghgai.
SEA LIFE is owned by Merlin Entertainments, the second largest visitor attraction operator in the world, famous for their theme parks and attractions. One of their biggest claims is that they believe no cetacean (whale, dolphin or porpoise) should be held captive, and in fact claim they campaign to end such practices. Merlin own an aquarium operating as part of the SEA LIFE brand which holds these three beluga whales, all of whom are forced to perform daily to crowds in circus-style shows.
We are calling on Merlin to end the public shows and invest some of their multimillion pound profits into building a sanctuary for these poor whales; to show some compassion to these beautiful creatures and stop this public torment!
Please let us know if you are free on 06/06/15 to join or organise a protest.
Contact Freedom for Animals asap about any campaign materials you may need and ideas you want to share.
Thank you.
What a wonderful verse. Thank you. I’ll post now.